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【云南嘟嘟幼教园教学网】佚名      【云南嘟嘟幼教园教学网】2011-03-26 01:22      【云南嘟嘟幼教园教学网】




(The Night---Blake McGrath)

DQ: 亲爱的朋友们,欢迎你进入今天的English Service Station英语加油站。在这个春意盎然的时节,我们感觉到了春回大地的恩泽,万物复苏,一切都是新生。希望在这样美好的时候,我们的节目可以给你的生活增添些许色彩。在今天的pop culture中我们将和你一起关注两则教学,planet travel要带你走进美丽的城市马赛,而relax English则打算为你介绍一部影片——观音山。话不多说,一起进入我们的节目吧!

Pop culture


DQ: “三八妇女节”是全世界劳动妇女团结战斗的光辉节日,已有近百年历史。2011年“国际妇女节”的主题为“女性平等参与教育、培训和科技活动的机会”。当今世界中,妇女地位明显提高,妇女在政治、经济、文化及社会等各个方面逐步发挥着越来越大的作用。但是,国际社会在寻求男女平等方面的努力还远没有结束。目前,仍有不少法律明确歧视妇女;有些国家女性在职业保障、工资待遇及受教育等方面仍享受不到与男性平等的权利。因此,实现性别平等仍是国际社会一项长远任务。

ZX: This year, International Women’s Day highlights the participation of women and girls in education, training, science and technology. It also focuses our

attention on the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work.

DQ: Today, more women than ever before are participating in the work force. Yet almost two-thirds of women work in the informal economy with no labor rights or social protection.

ZX:Globally, women are more likely to be jobless, bearing the worst setbacks of the economic crisis. Seventy percent

of the world’s hungry people are women and girls. And 45 per cent of women in developing countries suffer from anemia [?'ni:mi?]

and malnutrition.

DQ: Across the globe, every day about 1,000 women die because of complications related to pregnancy or childbirth.

However, educated, employed women break poverty cycles, not just for themselves but for families, communities and


ZX:UNDP’s International Assessment on ‘What it Takes to Achieve the MDGs’ found that educated women are more likely to

seek medical care during pregnancy and to ensure their children are healthy.

DQ: Women need equal opportunities in the economic, social and political spheres. This includes increasing access to

finance, training and technology and strengthening women’s legal status and rights.

ZX:From huge national projects to smaller-scaled initiatives, civil society and the private sector so that real progress is made in helping countries reduce inequalities.

DQ: For example, in Benin, UNDP’s Small Grants Programme is benefitting women and their families, improving their incomes and simultaneously protecting

the environment in which they live.

ZX:In Pakistan UNDP is working with non-governmental organizations and local religious courts to end violence against women. To this day, the initiative has helped

around 45,000 women trapped in situations of violence.

DQ: In El Salvador ['sælv?d?:], which has one of the highest female murder rates, UNDP helped women parliamentarians pass a groundbreaking

bill to address violence against women.

ZX:In Lebanon ['leb?n?n], more than 40 women’s cooperatives have formed small businesses across the country to revitalize communities that were economically

devastated by conflicts.

DQ: 再来一起关注一则教学。联合国教科文组织本周发布的一份报告称,在全世界文盲率最高的十个国家中,中国的成人文盲数位列第八,这十个国家的成人文盲总数约占全世界文盲总数的72%。中国拥有世界上最大的教育体系,同时还是人口最多的发展中国家,虽然中国一直致力于全民扫盲工作,但是成人文盲数量仍然在世界前列。中国近几年在降低失学率方面取得了显著进步,但是不断加大的城乡教育差距同时也在阻碍整体教育水平的提高。

ZX:"Although China has maintained strong progress toward universal adult literacy, its illiterate population is still one

of the biggest in the world," Tang Qian, assistant director-general for the education sector, said.

CTY: "China has the biggest educational system in the world and largest population among developing countries,

" he said. "So when China makes progress, the resulting statistics for the world are impressive."

ZX:China, when gauged according to the numbers of its citizens who are illiterate adults, ranks as the eighth worst

among ten sample countries selected from around the world, according to a report released by UNESCO on Tuesday.

CTY: Around 72 percent of the illiterate adults in the world live in the ten countries, which were chosen from 128

countries, according to the report.Across the planet, nearly 796 million adults lack basic literacy, according to the latest

data from the UNESCO.

ZX:The vast majority of them live in South and West Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, although Arab states also have high levels of adult illiteracy, said the report. “China has made rapid

advances in cutting down the numbers of school drop-outs in recent years," according to Yuan Guiren, minister of education.

CTY:For example, about 80 percent of Chinese were illiterate in 1949, while the figure fell to less than 3.5 percent in

2010, he said.” The country also has topped the world in its number of people who have received higher education,

which has increased about 265 times during the past 60 years," he said.

ZX:Tang said at Tuesday's forum that "wider education inequalities between rural and urban regions are restricting

opportunities in China", although this obstacle is not only present in China.

CTY:Chinese experts warned that the low quality of the schooling offered in many rural areas is making it difficult for

students from such places to be admitted to universities.

Only about one in five students at China's leading universities come from rural areas, according to the 21st Century

Education Research Institute.

ZX:But the country has no official statistics showing how many rural students study in China's universities, a senior

official of Ministry of Education said on Tuesday.

"The rapid urbanization makes it hard to count the total number of rural students studying in universities," said Li

Yanli, a statistics official with the ministry.

Planet Travel

(MUSIC: 与众不同—法国歌曲 )


(MUSIC:encore une fois—法国歌曲 )

WX:Marseille[ma:'seilz], spelled Marseilles[ma:'seilz] in English, is almost France's oldest city .It was founded in the 6th century BC. Once it was incorporated into

Rome and nearly extinct .However, in the 10th century it rose again.

YT:Marseilles is the second largest city and the biggest harbour in France.In 1832, Marseilles has become the third largest

port, in the world,just next to London and Liverpool .

WX:Marseilles is also a famous tourist sight. It has many beautiful sceneries and historical sites.If you want to go travelling

there,the first place you should go is the Long-Champ[tfæmp] Palace located in the north of Marseilles.

YT:It's said that the Long-Champ[tfæmp] Palace is a real palace,but in fact ,it is a water tower built in the form of a palace.There isn't rooms but only a

group of sculptures sprinkling water in the front.

WX:The water tower is sort of powerful .The water there is slowly flowing towards the whole city.Behind the sculptures it

is an endless extention of green shade .And around there great trees are everywhere.

YT:After visiting the Long-Champ[tfæmp] Palace,you could pay a visit to Gothic['?oθik]cathedral[k?'θi:dr?l] located in the centre of city.It's is a wonderful example of the gothic architecture.

WX:It's bell tower reaches straight to the sky and it's rooftop is a pointed acute angle.The thin and fragile stone was

completely supported by the steel inside and the patterns on the outer wall is extremely complicated .

YT:Inside the church ,the light is very dim as if it were belonging to somewhere unlike the man's world.All this is to

reflect the supreme [sju'pri:m] of theocracy[θi'okr?si] in Middle Ages.When you are out of the church,you could walk along the main avenue until you get to the old port.

WX:This port is a rectangle['rek,tæ??l], in which there is a natural bend making the whole harbour a semi-closed port. On this condition, when there is a storm the port is still in a dead calm.

YT:In front of the harbour,you could see a row of vendors selling fishes .Some vendors have dark skins and their eyes

are red because of the wind.They are always chewing tobaccoes while shouting aloud .

WX:Walking toward the west of the port,you could see the main church of Marseilles[ma:'seilz].This is an orthodox church.It's main dome and bell towers on both sides seem like several onions.

This church is on the seaside.So,you could give it a clear view from the sea.

TMY:Two or three kilometers outside the port ,there are several small islands,one of which is the famous If Island .

An underground prison locking the lead actor of a noted novel,The Count Of Monte Cristo, for 14 years is just

on this island.

WX:The works of novelists are always fictional,in fact,there isn't an underground prison in this jail.But this island has

imprisoned many political prisoners indeed.Counting in the observatory there are four floors in total.

TMY:The blockhouse is made of stone.In the center it is a small open yard.Around the yard ,there are all spooky cells.The

cells are damp and dim.If the cell has a window,it's size can just allow a seagull to get in and out at most.

WX:The last tourist sight I recommended is The Church of Our Lady in the eastern uplands of old port.Ten meters' high

golden goddess stands at the top of the city.She dominates the old port and blesses the departing ships.

TMY:The structure of the church is very unique.It is divided into two floors.Every floor has complete nave,shrine[--rain]and meeting house.The upstairs is splendid and magnificent.But the downstairs is a little bit lower and seems like the


WX:Every side of the walkway is full of candles and sweet atmosphere left by the wish makers.And on both sides of the

wall,it hangs lots of bible story pictures of the goddess.

TMY:It is interesting that several paintings among them is drew with a strange painting technique.In one picture,the goddess

becomes a Suzhou (苏州) lady wearing a along gown[?aun].In another one, the son of god looks like a fat child holding a carp [ka:p] .

WX:The east of Marseilles[ma:'seilz] is one of Europe's unique, white limestone area.The beach in the cliffs is a perfect place for sunbathing,

swimming and diving .Climbing up the highland ,you can overlook distant If Island lying in the glittering sea .

TMY:When a day's trip is over,you must be exhausted.The restaurants in the old town is very gorgeous.At there, you

could taste the most authentic bouillabaisse ['bu:j?bes].After hearing these,do you feel inspired?If so,you must take a action as soon as possible!

Relax English

( 词—范冰冰)


ZZX:It’s not unusual for film directors to use metaphors. Director Li Yu’s latest work Buhhda Mountain is no exception.In the movie, a group of young people help

to rebuild a destroyed temple.

ZXH:This may represent their broken souls and shattered dreams being redeemed. The film

portrays the troubled lives of young outcasts in the cities.It features kids roaming

the streets, getting drunk, picking fights and their wild rides in a battered, borrowed car.

ZZX:In the film, three of them move into an apartment owned by a retired Peking Opera singer,

played by Sylvia Chang.She is upset by their wayward and guilt-free attitude.

ZXH: They disturb her calm, because she’s mourning the loss of her son who died suddenly in a car accident. The trio of tenants

have their own prblems. Ding Bo is a school dropout played by Chen Po-Lin.

ZZX:He can’t get over his father’s remarriage, so he runs away from home.But his problem deep down is that he finds it hard

to reveal his emotions, especially his growing affection for Nan Feng played by Fan Bing Bing.

ZXH:Nan Feng, the pub singer, tries to make her way in the city, but has to heal her emotional wounds

first.A recurring scene in the film is trio dangerously riding the rails on the roofs of freight


ZZX:They open their arms to welcome a new life. The railway taking them to a faraway place may symbolize

their vanishing youth. But where are they going? The director reveals that the youngsters, along with

their landlady.

ZXH:And they become involved in rebuilding status in a temple brought down by the 2008 Sichuan earthquake,

as a way to find direction in life. At last, they are no longer lost and go to live a better life by

that train.

ZZX: As the Hollywood Reporter’s website puts it, “the trio teach Chang how to let go and live; in return Chang teaches her

boardershow to act responsibly and look after each other.”

ZXH:The movie won the award for artistic contribution and best actress in the Tokyo International Film Festival.

It has also been nominated for the 47th Golden Horse Award in Taiwan. The movie hits theaters across China on March 4.


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